Upgraded to WordPress 6.0 and have issues? Please check the hotfix which you need to apply.


Important announcement about Bakery 1.3.x users

Bakery 2.0 has been released recently along with 3 new unique demos and a lot of new features and improvements. It is the biggest update ever which comes after several months of hard work and dedication.

The source code has been completely rewritten and as a result of that the new theme version does not provide full backward compatibility with the previous theme versions. But do not worry, Bakery 1.3.9  has been developed in order to let all current users of Bakery 1.3.x  update the theme and fix any reported bugs as well as ensure full compatibility with the included 3rd party plugins such as WooCommerce, WPBakery Page Builder etc. Please also note that we will continue to support Bakery 1.3.x in the future updates too.

So, all current users of Bakery 1.3.x should update to version 1.3.9 which can be obtained by a request via support center or the contact page on the Themeforest profile.

Note: We strongly recommend you to make full backup of your site before performing any actions.

If you want to use new features and demos introduced in Bakery 2.0 the best option would be to start building your site from the beginning.