

1. Updating theme

2. WordPress 6.0 Hotfix

3. Important announcement about Bakery 1.3.x users

4. Bakery Changelog

5. Installing demo content

6. Purchase code has been used in another domain

7. Troubleshooting WordPress

8. More theme shortcodes

9. Hotfix for Font Awesome bug in Bakery v2.6

10. My support has expired. What should I do?

11. Map is not showing

12. Recommended Server Settings

1. Updating theme

To update the theme please follow the steps below:

That's all!

If you plan to modify the source code of the main parent theme, we strongly recommend to install child theme and make such modifications inside this child theme in order to avoid any possible problems & issues by installing updates of  the main parent theme in future.

2. WordPress 6.0 Hotfix

WordPress 6.0 has been released lately and if you have upgraded you may encounter a fatal error that will make your site inaccessible. To fix that please simply remove line 67 of options.php file located at wp-content/plugins/bakery-options.

<?php echo $this->theme->display( 'Tags' ); ?>


3. Important announcement about Bakery 1.3.x users

Bakery 2.0 has been released recently along with 3 new unique demos and a lot of new features and improvements. It is the biggest update ever which comes after several months of hard work and dedication.

The source code has been completely rewritten and as a result of that the new theme version does not provide full backward compatibility with the previous theme versions. But do not worry, Bakery 1.3.9  has been developed in order to let all current users of Bakery 1.3.x  update the theme and fix any reported bugs as well as ensure full compatibility with the included 3rd party plugins such as WooCommerce, WPBakery Page Builder etc. Please also note that we will continue to support Bakery 1.3.x in the future updates too.

So, all current users of Bakery 1.3.x should update to version 1.3.9 which can be obtained by a request via support center or the contact page on the Themeforest profile.

Note: We strongly recommend you to make full backup of your site before performing any actions.

If you want to use new features and demos introduced in Bakery 2.0 the best option would be to start building your site from the beginning.

4. Bakery Changelog

Bakery Theme is maintained and constantly updated for any bug fixes or new features and adjustments. On this link you can see full changelog information.

5. Installing demo content

After installing and activating the theme and all bundled plugins, you can get started by installing demo data:

6. Purchase code has been used in another domain

In order to be able to install demo content and fully use the theme functionality, you will first have to activate the theme using the purchase code. If you already inserted the purchase code and you are getting the message: "Purchase code has been used in another domain" then you should submit a ticket in the support center or reach us via this contact form. Once the request is received your license will be reset and you will get confirmation about that. 

To avoid getting that message, you should first remove the license from the homepage of your admin dashboard in case of database reset or complete removal of your installation.

7. Troubleshooting WordPress

WordPress site problems can have many causes, but even so, a few basic steps will help you catch most of them. Here’s how to troubleshoot WordPress sites in 60 seconds!

8. More theme shortcodes

There are plenty of shortcodes that come with the theme. Despite shortcodes built for WPBakery Page Builder there are several other shortcodes that can be used anywhere in the theme like Widgets, Text Blocks etc. Below is the full list of them:

1. Embed Video

[vu_embed src="" ratio=""]

2. Custom Menu

[vu_custom_menu "menu"="" "container"="nav" "container_id"="" "container_class"="" "menu_id"="" "menu_class"=""]

3. Search Form

[vu_search_form placeholder="" scope="" class=""]

4. Recent Posts

[vu_recent_posts number_of_posts="" show_author="" author_text=""show_date="" date_format="" class=""]

5. Social Icon

[vu_social_network url="" target="" icon=""]

6. Text Highlight

[vu_highlight bg_color="" text_color="" class=""]

7. Info Item

[vu_info_item icon="" title="" desc="" style="" class=""]

8. Flickr Feed

[vu_flickr user="" limit=""]

9. Twitter Feed

[vu_latest_tweets user="" count="" loading_text=""]

10. Google+ Box

[vu_google_plus_badge page_id="" width=""]

11. Facebook Like Box

[vu_facebook_like_box url="" width="" height="" colorscheme="" show_face="" show_border="" show_stream="" show_header=""]

12. Gallery Widget

[vu_gallery_widget images="" lightbox="" class=""]

13. Font Awesome Icon

[vu_fa type="" size="" pull="" border="" spin="" list_item="" fixed_width="" rotate="" flip="" stack_size="" inverse="" xclass=""]

If you want to look them more in detail, please check plugins/bakery-shortcodes/shortcodes/others.php file.

9. Hotfix for Font Awesome bug in Bakery v2.6

If you are using Bakery 2.6, you may encounter an issue with FontAwesome not displaying properly in your site. To fix that please simply add the following code at Bakery > Custom Code > Custom CSS:

.vu_tb-list > > a:after,
.vu_main-menu > ul > > a:after,
.vu_main-menu ul.sub-menu > a:after,
.widget_nav_menu .menu > li > a:after,
.vu_blog-post.vu_bp-type-quote .vu_bp-quote:before,
.vu_list-with-icon[data-font="FontAwesome"] li:before,
.woocommerce-product-search:after {
    font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free" !important;
    font-weight: 900 !important;
.vu_latest-tweets ul li:before {
    font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Brands" !important;
    font-weight: 400 !important;

10. My support has expired. What should I do?

When your item support has expired, you won't be able to create new tickets anymore. You should purchase support extension in the item page or by the following the steps below:

You can

11. Map is not showing

As of June 22, 2016 Google Maps no longer allows request for new sites that doesn’t include an API key.

In order to use Google Maps you need to generate an API key via here and add in to Bakery > Map > Google Maps API Key.

12. Recommended Server Settings

In order to avoid any possible issues while Installing Demo Content because of your server and PHP settings, we highly recommend setting up the following values in your server’s php.ini file:

If you don’t have access to the PHP configuration on your server, you can try to set this values in .htaccess file:

You can verify your PHP configuration limits of your server by installing Host PHP Info plugin.