after updating the theme i'm getting this error...
Fatal error: Cannot declare class WPBakeryShortCode_vu_menu_item, because the name is already in use in /home/malates5/public_html/wp-content/themes/bakery/includes/shortcodes/menu-item.php on line 151
I couldn't get in the admnistrator pannel, so the guy from "SiteGround" changed the default theme in another one.
I tried another time to update but I got the same situation.
So I restored the old Bakery theme vers. 1.3.7 1.3.7
Now I have to set off the following plugin: Bakery Shortcodes, Bakery Options (I'm not sure about this one)
Please apologies for the delay. The support has been slow the recent days due to the holidays.
New theme update includes two theme version v1.3.8 and v2.0. If you are using any previous theme versions you should update to v1.3.8 to get the latest plugin versions and bug fixes. Version 2.0 includes completely new features and improvements and it is almost impossible to upgrade to it automatically.
I tried to update to v1.3.8 but I had the same problem with plugin bakery shortcode... then I tried to update to V 2.0 and I got this error:
Cannot declare class WPBakeryShortCode_vu_order_form, because the
name is already in use
in /home/malates5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bakery-cpt/shortcodes/order-form.php on
line 176
In this case I can't get frontend and backend both....
The only way to restore the entire site is to erase via ftp the plugin folder "bakery shortcode"....
At the moment the site is ok (you can see it but the plugin bakery shortcode is not activated....
The last error was because of the conflict between WPBakery Page Builder and Bakery Shortcodes plugin which works only with Bakery 2.0. Now everything seems to be fine with the theme.
Looks that problems are related with the performance of your server. Style is not being loaded and sometimes Error 502 is shown (see attached image). So please contact your hosting representatives and ask them what could be the issue.
To upgrade to v2.0, you just need to delete Bakery CPT plugin in order to avoid any possible conflicts with the new Bakery Shortcodes plugin. Also please make sure to check this article.
We got 502 error several times while browsing the site. You should definitely consider upgrading to a better plan or change the hosting provider to increase your server performance.
after updating the theme i'm getting this error...
Fatal error: Cannot declare class WPBakeryShortCode_vu_menu_item, because the name is already in use in /home/malates5/public_html/wp-content/themes/bakery/includes/shortcodes/menu-item.php on line 151
I couldn't get in the admnistrator pannel, so the guy from "SiteGround" changed the default theme in another one.
I tried another time to update but I got the same situation.
So I restored the old Bakery theme vers. 1.3.7 1.3.7
Now I have to set off the following plugin: Bakery Shortcodes, Bakery Options (I'm not sure about this one)
Do you have any news about this problem?
Hi there,
Please apologies for the delay. The support has been slow the recent days due to the holidays.
New theme update includes two theme version v1.3.8 and v2.0. If you are using any previous theme versions you should update to v1.3.8 to get the latest plugin versions and bug fixes. Version 2.0 includes completely new features and improvements and it is almost impossible to upgrade to it automatically.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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Hi guy,
I tried to update to v1.3.8 but I had the same problem with plugin bakery shortcode... then I tried to update to V 2.0 and I got this error:
Fatal error: Cannot declare class WPBakeryShortCode_vu_order_form, because the name is already in use in /home/malates5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bakery-cpt/shortcodes/order-form.php on line 176
In this case I can't get frontend and backend both....
The only way to restore the entire site is to erase via ftp the plugin folder "bakery shortcode"....
At the moment the site is ok (you can see it but the plugin bakery shortcode is not
Please have you got any suggestion?
Hello onirika,
Could you please provide us your WordPress and FTP login details so we can take a closer look and fix that for you.
Thanks in advance,
Milingona Support
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The last error was because of the conflict between WPBakery Page Builder and Bakery Shortcodes plugin which works only with Bakery 2.0. Now everything seems to be fine with the theme.
Looks that problems are related with the performance of your server. Style is not being loaded and sometimes Error 502 is shown (see attached image). So please contact your hosting representatives and ask them what could be the issue.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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Now it works but the theme is on v 1.38 ... I would like to instal the v 2.0....
I sent your reply to siteground support and they ask me if the error 502 appear during the update operation or all day long
To upgrade to v2.0, you just need to delete Bakery CPT plugin in order to avoid any possible conflicts with the new Bakery Shortcodes plugin. Also please make sure to check this article.
We got 502 error several times while browsing the site. You should definitely consider upgrading to a better plan or change the hosting provider to increase your server performance.
Best regards,
Milingona Support
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