Catalog Demo has been built with the purpose to showcase the possibility of using the theme without WooCommerce. But that does not mean that you can't use WooCommerce. Feel free to install it from Plugins > Add New and start inserting your products. You'll be able to use grid style while single product page will be adapted to WooCommerce style.
We bought the Bakery theme yesterday and installed it on a TransIP server. Because we realy like the design!
We will use the theme for a few hundred products. But as far as we see in the demo there is no good way to maintain the 'Bakery products'...
The product grid,, has no relation with the product detail page, Neither is has a relation with the woocommerce products. This means we have to add each product on multiple places, this is not workable for us.
Is it possible to use the woocommerce products with the styling of the Bakery product grid and the product-single page?
Looking forward to hearing of you.
Kind regards,
Steven Dorresteijn
Hi Steven,
Catalog Demo has been built with the purpose to showcase the possibility of using the theme without WooCommerce. But that does not mean that you can't use WooCommerce. Feel free to install it from Plugins > Add New and start inserting your products. You'll be able to use grid style while single product page will be adapted to WooCommerce style.
Thanks and cheers,
Milingona Support
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