Upgraded to WordPress 6.0 and have issues? Please check the hotfix which you need to apply.

  Public Ticket #1432246


  • eyupguzel started the conversation

    Gives error message for installation. Message (Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in /home/abundanc/public_html/wp-content/themes/bakery/functions.php on line 132)

  •  228
    Milingona replied

    That is because of your PHP version of your site. You should change it to v5.6 or later version.

    If you cannot change that you need to make the following changes in order to fix the issue.

    1. Replace line 132 of bakery/functions.php file with the code below:

    $color_overlay = ( !empty($bakery_page_header_settings['color-overlay']) ) ? $bakery_page_header_settings['color-overlay'] : ( (trim(bakery_get_option('page-header-color-overlay') != '') ) ? 'rgba('. bakery_hex2rgb( bakery_get_option('page-header-color-overlay'), true ) .','. bakery_get_option('page-header-color-overlay-opacity') .')' : '' );

    2. Replace line 225 of bakery/includes/action.php file with the code below:

    if ( bakery_get_option('footer-type') == 'page' and trim( bakery_get_option('footer-page') ) != '' ) {

    3. Replace line 24 of bakery/footer.php file with the code below:

    <?php elseif ( bakery_get_option('footer-type') == 'page' and trim( bakery_get_option('footer-page') ) != '' ) : ?>

     Kind regards,

    Milingona Support

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