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  Public Ticket #1501029
Can't get Row images to change


  • MuffinMan35 started the conversation

    I can see that there is are images that came with demo content(demo purposes only) in the different rows within my page. I found where I could change these images, but they will not change for me. I cleared my cache to see if that was my problem and maybe I just wasn't seeing the changes. It just seems like I can't get it to take. Let me know what you think.

  •  228
    Milingona replied

    The changes should be visible once you replace the images.

    Can you please let us know a specific image you are talking about and how you made the change?


    Milingona Support

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  •   MuffinMan35 replied privately
  •  228
    Milingona replied

    Did you change the image from Design Options > Background as shown below:

    If that did not work for you then please send us your site credentials so we can take a closer look and see what may be causing that.

    Kind regards,

    Milingona Support

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  • MuffinMan35 replied

    That worked. Didn't see that area. Thanks...

  •  228
    Milingona replied

    Glad to hear that. You're very welcome!

    Kind regards,

    Milingona Support

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