I had to upload the new icon font, at "bakery/assets/lib". that name is iconmoon1, it's my customise icon and now I want to use this icon in the icon box on the home page, but there is only three options (predefine or pre-exist) and I can't find my uploaded iconmoon1 in Icon Library dropdown list.
so, please guide me on how could I use my customise icon in the Icon Box as early as possible
Ok, I will provide a credential, but it is a temporary solution , I need a permanent solution. if I want to add more font or icon in feature, then it will be easy for me.
Hello sir According to our last conversation, I had shared my website's details 3 days ago. But, I have not received any reply yet and the reason for which I shared this detail is still not completed. please understand the severity of issue's
Glad to inform that we have implemented the requested functionality for you. You can now use any icon with Icon Box element. Simply choose Custom under Icon Library and upload your icon. Hope you'll like it.
I had to upload the new icon font, at "bakery/assets/lib". that name is iconmoon1, it's my customise icon and now I want to use this icon in the icon box on the home page, but there is only three options (predefine or pre-exist) and I can't find my uploaded iconmoon1 in Icon Library dropdown list.
so, please guide me on how could I use my customise icon in the Icon Box as early as possible
please find attached my customise icon font.
There are needed several code customization so please provide us your WordPress credentials and we will fix that for you.
Milingona Support
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Thanks for reply,
Ok, I will provide a credential, but it is a temporary solution , I need a permanent solution. if I want to add more font or icon in feature, then it will be easy for me.
We will implement a more general solution which will allow you to use any SVG icon with the Icon Box shortcode.
Milingona Support
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Hello sir
According to our last conversation, I had shared my website's details 3 days ago. But, I have not received any reply yet and the reason for which I shared this detail is still not completed.
please understand the severity of issue's
Glad to inform that we have implemented the requested functionality for you. You can now use any icon with Icon Box element. Simply choose Custom under Icon Library and upload your icon. Hope you'll like it.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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Thank you , thank you so much for your support.
I am very much happy with your services
Always happy to assist you! Could you please take a sec and rate us on Themeforest. That would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and cheers,
Milingona Support
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