I built my wordpress site in local with Bakery theme.
On the site, another theme was installed, even if a constructing page is on the site presently.
I want to migrate my new Bakery theme site from local to server.
I exported my local database, without wp_user and wp_options, because I wanted to keep my website settings. I modified "localhost/myfile" by "www.mysite.fr" in that sql file.
I erased my website database on server, except wp_user and wp_options. I imported my local database.
I deactivated my purchasing licence on local site.
I modified wp_config with my online database settings.
And when I want to migrate my site => a 500 server error occurred, even if I erased .htaccess file, even if I migrated all my file from local to server or just wp_content files.
We would suggest you to use All-in-One WP Migration plugin. That will allow you to easily migrate the site without any issues.
Otherwise, you could be getting the error because of the server's PHP version. If you cannot solve that please provide us your cPanel login details and we will be happy to fix that for you.
Hi guys,
I built my wordpress site in local with Bakery theme.
On the site, another theme was installed, even if a constructing page is on the site presently.
I want to migrate my new Bakery theme site from local to server.
I exported my local database, without wp_user and wp_options, because I wanted to keep my website settings. I modified "localhost/myfile" by "www.mysite.fr" in that sql file.
I erased my website database on server, except wp_user and wp_options. I imported my local database.
I deactivated my purchasing licence on local site.
I modified wp_config with my online database settings.
And when I want to migrate my site => a 500 server error occurred, even if I erased .htaccess file, even if I migrated all my file from local to server or just wp_content files.
Do you have an idea ?
Thanks for your help
Hi there,
We would suggest you to use All-in-One WP Migration plugin. That will allow you to easily migrate the site without any issues.
Otherwise, you could be getting the error because of the server's PHP version. If you cannot solve that please provide us your cPanel login details and we will be happy to fix that for you.
Thanks and cheers,
Milingona Support
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PHP version is 5.6 on the website, shall I need to upgrade to 7. ?
Yes, try to upgrade to PHP 7.
Milingona Support
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Thanks for your answer
You're more than welcome!
Milingona Support
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Hi guys, you can't close this ticket, thank you again for your reactivity :)