Hello. I need your help. I use this form Order Online, because, for now, i want a catalog on my site, and not an e-commerce. How modify menù "Looking for" with all products? (products that are in simple page).
And then how can i add TITLE menù for megamenù? For example: Catalog Demo, Features > Elements, Products Layout, Pages. How?
Hello. I need your help. I use this form Order Online, because, for now, i want a catalog on my site, and not an e-commerce.
How modify menù "Looking for" with all products? (products that are in simple page).
And then how can i add TITLE menù for megamenù? For example: Catalog Demo, Features > Elements, Products Layout, Pages. How?
Thank you, Angelo.
Hello Angelo,
1. Order Form element allows you to separately insert the products and there is no way you can auto link all products from a page with it.
2. To insert the title make sure to add vu_mm-item-title class to a custom link as shown in the image below.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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