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  Public Ticket #1721567
Shortcodes full list


  • Manel started the conversation

    Did you have documented anywhere a full list of theme shortcodes?

    It will be very appreciate.


  •  228
    Milingona replied


    Please find below the full list of widget shortcodes:

    [vu_embed src="" ratio=""]
    [vu_custom_menu "menu"="" "container"="nav" "container_id"="" "container_class"="" "menu_id"="" "menu_class"=""]
    [vu_search_form placeholder="" scope="" class=""]
    [vu_recent_posts number_of_posts="" show_author="" author_text=""show_date="" date_format="" class=""]
    [vu_social_network url="" target="" icon=""]
    [vu_highlight bg_color="" text_color="" class=""]
    [vu_info_item icon="" title="" desc="" style="" class=""]
    [vu_flickr user="" limit=""]
    [vu_latest_tweets user="" count="" loading_text=""]
    [vu_google_plus_badge page_id="" width=""]
    [vu_facebook_like_box url="" width="" height="" colorscheme="" show_face="" show_border="" show_stream="" show_header=""]
    [vu_gallery_widget images="" lightbox="" class=""]
    [vu_fa type="" size="" pull="" border="" spin="" list_item="" fixed_width="" rotate="" flip="" stack_size="" inverse="" xclass=""]

    If you want to look them more in detail, please check plugins/bakery-shortcodes/shortcodes/others.php file.

    Kind regards,

    Milingona Support

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