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  Public Ticket #1743105
Invalid purchase code!


  •   VarienSoftware started the conversation
  •  228
    Milingona replied


    We have just fixed your issue with the license and installed all the bundled plugins. You should now just choose a demo content to start off from Bakery > Install Demo Content. Before trying to install demo content please make sure your server settings are set as specified here: https://milingona.ticksy.com/article/12193/.

    Warm regards,

    Milingona Support

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  • xcodecompany replied

    Hello again, 

    I sent you a support message in the morning, my problem is solved, thank you for that. But I had to move my website to http://firinim.com.tr/demo. That's why I completely erased the files from the old domain and made a new installation at http://firinim.com.tr/demo. Again, "Purchase code has used in another domain." I get an error. Can you solve this problem? And I want to ask you something else, then I'm going to have the same problem when I move my files from the / demo directory to the main directory? 

    Thank you, good studies ...

  •  228
    Milingona replied

    We have just reset once more your license. Next time, make sure to first remove the license from the previous installation. If you have any troubles, please do not hesitate. We will be more than happy to assist you.

    Kind regards,

    Milingona Support

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  • xcodecompany replied

    Hello again,

    After importing the demo content, I get an "HTTP ERROR 500" error at http://firinim.com.tr/demo. I used the "Reset Database" plugin to resolve this issue, but again, "Purchase code has used in another domain." I get an error. Can you help me again about this.

    Best regards...

  •  228
    Milingona replied

    Of course, your license has just been reset. Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

    Kind regards,

    Milingona Support

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