On my home page, there is a red error box from revolution slider that shows up. How do I get rid of this error? When I tried to deactivate the revolution slider, it got rid of the red box error message, but it messed with the header on the home page. How do I fix this?
The box means that you have tried to insert a slider named 'bakery_main_slider' on your homepage which in fact doesn't exist. You can remove that by editing the homepage and removing Slider Revolution shortcode at the very top of the page content.
On my home page, there is a red error box from revolution slider that shows up. How do I get rid of this error? When I tried to deactivate the revolution slider, it got rid of the red box error message, but it messed with the header on the home page. How do I fix this?
The box means that you have tried to insert a slider named 'bakery_main_slider' on your homepage which in fact doesn't exist. You can remove that by editing the homepage and removing Slider Revolution shortcode at the very top of the page content.
Warm regards,
Milingona Support
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