I would like to remove the icon comment and the sentence "no comment" written in red when you issued a post and display it in the article page ( see the file attached).
Additional question : How can I load a blog element coming from visual composer with full adjustement possible in my bakery theme ?
With the Custom Css given below the item 1 is solved .
About my item 2 , I am not sure that my request was correctly written so I reissued the point with an attached file so that it can be more explicit . It is about the possibility to import an element from visual composer to the Bakery page .
We have developed our own shortcode for Blog posts (see https://d.pr/free/i/KT7cTj). You can find all the supported options there. The default Blog shortcode has been removed and unfortunately there is no way to import it.
I am currently using this dedicated blog post from WP Bakery , but unfortunately its flexibility anf functions are much more limited than the original blog post from visual composer. No choice I will continue to use this one !
Hello ,
I would like to remove the icon comment and the sentence "no comment" written in red when you issued a post and display it in the article page ( see the file attached).
Additional question : How can I load a blog element coming from visual composer with full adjustement possible in my bakery theme ?
Thanks in advance for your return
1. To remove comments counter from blog posts please add the following code into Bakery > Custom Code > Custom CSS:
2. That blog post style is supported only for Blog templates and you cannot use it with the respective shortcode.
Thanks and cheers,
Milingona Support
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Thanks a lot ,
With the Custom Css given below the item 1 is solved .
About my item 2 , I am not sure that my request was correctly written so I reissued the point with an attached file so that it can be more explicit . It is about the possibility to import an element from visual composer to the Bakery page .
Kind regards
Hi Remy,
We have developed our own shortcode for Blog posts (see https://d.pr/free/i/KT7cTj). You can find all the supported options there. The default Blog shortcode has been removed and unfortunately there is no way to import it.
Milingona Support
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Ok ,Thanks for your reply, it is clear .
I am currently using this dedicated blog post from WP Bakery , but unfortunately its flexibility anf functions are much more limited than the original blog post from visual composer. No choice I will continue to use this one !
Kind Regards,
Thanks for your understanding!
All the best,
Milingona Support
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