There was shortcode "Products with Filter" [vu_products_with_filter] in the Bakery Theme version 1.3.x, which gave an opportunity to display and filter all the products from the some category and all of its subcategories, the list of products and subcategories been received automatically from the WooCommerce database.
There is no such shortcode in the Bakery Theme version 2.x. There is shortcode "Filterable" [vu_filterable], but it doesn't have such functionality. Instead, all the categories and products must be entered manually.
How can I get functionality indentical to "Products with Filter" shortcode in the version 2.3 of Bakery Theme. Is there any way to use the shortcode "Filterable" for getting all products and subcategories of a certain category automatically?
You can use WC Products combined with Filterable shortcode as well instead of WC Product shortcode. That will allow you to insert the products more easily.
There was shortcode "Products with Filter" [vu_products_with_filter] in the Bakery Theme version 1.3.x, which gave an opportunity to display and filter all the products from the some category and all of its subcategories, the list of products and subcategories been received automatically from the WooCommerce database.
There is no such shortcode in the Bakery Theme version 2.x. There is shortcode "Filterable" [vu_filterable], but it doesn't have such functionality. Instead, all the categories and products must be entered manually.
How can I get functionality indentical to "Products with Filter" shortcode in the version 2.3 of Bakery Theme. Is there any way to use the shortcode "Filterable" for getting all products and subcategories of a certain category automatically?
You should now use Filterable shortcode along with Product shortcode. See for more details.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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Is there any way to use the shortcode "Filterable" for getting all products and subcategories of a certain category AUTOMATICALLY?
If It 100 or more products - its too hard to put all products manualy
I want to setup in version 2.3 the same view as it was in 1.3.4 ( see
Is it possible?
You can use WC Products combined with Filterable shortcode as well instead of WC Product shortcode. That will allow you to insert the products more easily.
Milingona Support
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