Hi there and congrats 4 your awesome theme… I am customizing menu and i cant find how to add “new” and “unique” in submenu tabs http://prntscr.com/m7oo6s Could you please inform me ?>
From themeforest wp theme support they wrote me "To add New or Unique label to a menu item you need to add vu_mm-label-new, respectively vu_mm-label-unique as CSS classes." but that was Not so helpful to me...
Where can i go in wp editor to add them ?> please help.. .
Custom text and color can be achieved only by directly editing style.css file located in the main theme folder or by adding custom CSS into Bakery > Custom Code > Custom CSS. Eg.
Hi there and congrats 4 your awesome theme… I am customizing menu and i cant find how to add “new” and “unique” in submenu tabs http://prntscr.com/m7oo6s Could you please inform me ?>
From themeforest wp theme support they wrote me "To add New or Unique label to a menu item you need to add vu_mm-label-new, respectively vu_mm-label-unique as CSS classes." but that was Not so helpful to me...
Where can i go in wp editor to add them ?> please help.. .
You can create mega menu by adding vu_mega-menu and vu_mm-item-title classes to the menu item and submenu item respectively. See the image below:
While to add New or Unique labels use vu_mm-label-new and vu_mm-label-unique classes.
Make sure you have checked CSS classes from Screen Options on top right corner of the window as shown here: https://d.pr/i/Es3wQ8/ogzIdpkwPn.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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Tons of Thanks for great and fast solution...
Also can i write custom texts and change colors ?
You're more than welcome!
Custom text and color can be achieved only by directly editing style.css file located in the main theme folder or by adding custom CSS into Bakery > Custom Code > Custom CSS. Eg.
The above code will override Unique with Hot as well as the color.
Best regards,
Milingona Support
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