1. Customizing single product page without page builder is possible but you you need to have a good knowledge of the code (if we have understood you in the right way).
2. You can enable sidebar for a page from Sidebar section inside each page.
3. If you mean to show only a tag or category for a specific product despite the fact that the product belongs to more categories or tags then you need to edit /woocommerce/single-product.php file. Otherwise, the best option is to select only a category or tag from that product. If you cannot customize it by yourself then please provide us your WP login details and we will be glad to fix that for you.
Hi there!
Can i customize single product page layout without Bakery builder?
Also i can NOT activate sidebar... any sollution ?
Also How to keep only one category and one tag instead of all selected?
PLease Reply! At least the last question
Sorry for the delay in response!
1. Customizing single product page without page builder is possible but you you need to have a good knowledge of the code (if we have understood you in the right way).
2. You can enable sidebar for a page from Sidebar section inside each page.
3. If you mean to show only a tag or category for a specific product despite the fact that the product belongs to more categories or tags then you need to edit /woocommerce/single-product.php file. Otherwise, the best option is to select only a category or tag from that product. If you cannot customize it by yourself then please provide us your WP login details and we will be glad to fix that for you.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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