I recently downloaded the Bakery theme in order to install and configure it on my future website.
I have a concern about the product template and the WooCommerce template. Actually it looks like I'm not able to have the same display on WooCommerce with filters compared to the display with the classic product template you propose.
Check the two screenshots attached
- one is the Products page I configured to display the products I manually added with Bakery builder
- one is the WooCommerce page where I created "Products" on Wordpress administration and where I configured the basic display on Wordpress admin / Bakery / Shop
Compared to the Products page, on the WooCommerce page I'm not able to :
- display the description of each product under the product title - display the filters at the top (on WooCommerce page, when we click on filters, it loads a new page but it's not the case for the Product page, which is better)
Is there any solution to have exactly the same display and behavior on both pages?
And other point: on the Products page template, I need to add manually products for each new page in the editor view. On WooCommerce page, I need to add the products another time on the "Products" wordpress tab. Is there any solution to add products only one time and then use it as we want either this is WooCommerce pages or not?
The solution is to use Filterable shortcode combined with WC Product or WC Products shortcode. That will allow you to insert the products more easily. Eg. https://d.pr/i/znei2x.
Though I still have an issue: when I choose a WC Product to be displayed, the description of the product is not displayed on the product overview page. Though it's the case for a Product. Check attached: on the left this is a Product and on the right this is a WC Product where the description is not displayed. And I don't find any option to change that behavior.
How can I fix that point? I would really need the customer to see the short description on this page.
You just need to add the description under Short Product Description inside WC product. That will automatically show under the product name on Product overview page.
Unfortunately the behavior you mention doesn't work properly: when I put a Short Product Description inside WC Product, this is not displayed on Product overview page. This is only displayed on Product detail page, if I activate "Link icon".
Check attached: I put on Wordpress a Short Product Description for the WC product "Cesar". On the website, nothing is displayed under the title of the WC product "Cesar" on the Product overview page. This is only displayed if I click the link icon.
Thanks for sharing your WP credentials. We tried to fix the issue for you but without success. Could you please provide us your FTP login details as well so we can easily access and edit the needed files.
Thank you now it works well, I can see Short Product Description on the product overview page. Could you let me know what file did you change? This is in case I would like to invert Short Product Description and Category display.
Dear Milingona team,
I recently downloaded the Bakery theme in order to install and configure it on my future website.
I have a concern about the product template and the WooCommerce template. Actually it looks like I'm not able to have the same display on WooCommerce with filters compared to the display with the classic product template you propose.
Check the two screenshots attached
- one is the Products page I configured to display the products I manually added with Bakery builder
- one is the WooCommerce page where I created "Products" on Wordpress administration and where I configured the basic display on Wordpress admin / Bakery / Shop
Compared to the Products page, on the WooCommerce page I'm not able to :
- display the description of each product under the product title
- display the filters at the top (on WooCommerce page, when we click on filters, it loads a new page but it's not the case for the Product page, which is better)
Is there any solution to have exactly the same display and behavior on both pages?
And other point: on the Products page template, I need to add manually products for each new page in the editor view. On WooCommerce page, I need to add the products another time on the "Products" wordpress tab. Is there any solution to add products only one time and then use it as we want either this is WooCommerce pages or not?
Thank you very much in advance for your support,
Hello Sylvian,
Thank you for contacting us.
The solution is to use Filterable shortcode combined with WC Product or WC Products shortcode. That will allow you to insert the products more easily. Eg. https://d.pr/i/znei2x.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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Hi and thank you for your answer.
Ok now it's clearer for me, thanks!
Though I still have an issue: when I choose a WC Product to be displayed, the description of the product is not displayed on the product overview page. Though it's the case for a Product. Check attached: on the left this is a Product and on the right this is a WC Product where the description is not displayed. And I don't find any option to change that behavior.
How can I fix that point?
I would really need the customer to see the short description on this page.
Hi Sylvain,
You just need to add the description under Short Product Description inside WC product. That will automatically show under the product name on Product overview page.
Best regards,
Milingona Support
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Unfortunately the behavior you mention doesn't work properly: when I put a Short Product Description inside WC Product, this is not displayed on Product overview page. This is only displayed on Product detail page, if I activate "Link icon".
Check attached: I put on Wordpress a Short Product Description for the WC product "Cesar".
On the website, nothing is displayed under the title of the WC product "Cesar" on the Product overview page. This is only displayed if I click the link icon.
Do I need to configure something else?
That sounds strange! Could you please provide us your WP login details by replying privately here and we will take a closer look at that.
Milingona Support
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Thanks for sharing your WP credentials. We tried to fix the issue for you but without success. Could you please provide us your FTP login details as well so we can easily access and edit the needed files.
Thanks in advance,
Milingona Support
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Hello Sylvain,
Glad to inform that we have fixed the issue as requested. Please check it and let us know your feedback.
Milingona Support
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Thank you now it works well, I can see Short Product Description on the product overview page. Could you let me know what file did you change? This is in case I would like to invert Short Product Description and Category display.
We have already taken care of that. You can control showing description or categories from shortcode settings. See https://d.pr/i/q2R1ad.
Best regards,
Milingona Support
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