1) At the beginning of each article is the sentence "latest post" and I don't find it in any file or in the.pot Do you have any idea how I could translate it?
2) In my blog section, in the side bar on the right is indicated who wrote the article. "posted by + the author". I can't modify it even though I modified it in one of the files, it doesn't take effect. I think it comes from the widget: [vu_recent_posts]
I still have two more little problems: - I always see "latest products" appear and it takes the tag <h1>. - My basic tag <h1> which should be "Un petit déjeuner / pot de départ original pour fédérer votre équipe !" becomes a <h2> as you can see on the picture I send you.
Is it possible to automatically remove this "latest product" text from all articles and make sure that my H1 tag is indeed an H1 and is not transformed into H2.
I can't translate 2 things on the blog part.
1) At the beginning of each article is the sentence "latest post" and I don't find it in any file or in the.pot
Do you have any idea how I could translate it?
2) In my blog section, in the side bar on the right is indicated who wrote the article. "posted by + the author". I can't modify it even though I modified it in one of the files, it doesn't take effect. I think it comes from the widget: [vu_recent_posts]
Thanks a lot for your help
1. You can translate that via .pot file located at wp-content/themes/bakery/languages/bakery.pot. See https://d.pr/i/q6ahhc.
2. You can translate that via .pot file located at wp-content/plugins/bakery-shortcodes/languages/bakery-shortcodes.pot. See https://d.pr/i/XUOjJ0.
If you have already generated .po & .mo files then simply edit them.
Best regards,
Milingona Support
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thanks you it works.
I realize that the phrase "latest post" is a <h2> that appears before H1 and may be problematic.
How can I remove it from all my articles?
Fixed this as well! Also noticed some malicious code in functions.php. Tried to remove it but it is being added again automatically.
Best regards,
Milingona Support
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Thank you for your work, you always answer me very quickly. You're really a great support.
This is the case for all articles but I give you an example for this article: https://www.lesbiscuitsdemrlaurent.com/astuces/un-petit-dejeuner-original-pour-federer-votre-equipe/
I still have two more little problems:
- I always see "latest products" appear and it takes the tag <h1>.
- My basic tag <h1> which should be "Un petit déjeuner / pot de départ original pour fédérer votre équipe !" becomes a <h2> as you can see on the picture I send you.
Is it possible to automatically remove this "latest product" text from all articles and make sure that my H1 tag is indeed an H1 and is not transformed into H2.
Thank you very much for your help.
Fixed! Please check it and let us know your feedback.
Milingona Support
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