We just installed for you the theme and all the bundled plugins. In order to be able to import Main Demo content we will need to first reset the database which means that all the current content (posts, media etc.) will be deleted. Please confirm if you agree with this so we can continue with importing Main Demo.
OK, just make sure you have all the texts and images saved on your PC. You can upload them afterwards. Please confirm once more so we can start the reset and import process.
All the contact forms are used throughout the theme. Eg. Contact Form #2 is used on Home page while Contact Form #1 is used on Contact 1 page. You can choose which one you do not need/want and delete them.
You can change the logo and map settings from theme settings (see Bakery menu item on the side menu). While to change footer you need to edit Footer page from Pages > Footer.
We have just set up your email in the contact form. To translate and further customize the email you should go to Contato > Formulários de contato > Contact Form #5. See https://d.pr/i/6R3U3a.
Tried installing multiple times and fails.
I can email the login.
Please guide!!!
Please provide us your WP login details and tell us which demo you want to install.
Milingona Support
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We just installed for you the theme and all the bundled plugins. In order to be able to import Main Demo content we will need to first reset the database which means that all the current content (posts, media etc.) will be deleted. Please confirm if you agree with this so we can continue with importing Main Demo.
Milingona Support
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Main Demo please
Just need the text under page Sobre Nós
The Main Logo :D
This main page is great. I will then replace the staff photos and text:
OK, just make sure you have all the texts and images saved on your PC. You can upload them afterwards. Please confirm once more so we can start the reset and import process.
Milingona Support
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Copied text from main pages!
ok to match main template and I will spend all the time editing all.
will add 100 products, so hope wordpress is great.will add Pagseguro payments. :D
Glad to inform that Main demo content has just been installed for you. You can now start editing it and building your site. Enjoy the theme!
Milingona Support
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which page is the right one? then delete all extra ones :/
All the contact forms are used throughout the theme. Eg. Contact Form #2 is used on Home page while Contact Form #1 is used on Contact 1 page. You can choose which one you do not need/want and delete them.
Milingona Support
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where do I go to edit bottom site and logo?
how to edit footer and logo and map etc :/
You can change the logo and map settings from theme settings (see Bakery menu item on the side menu). While to change footer you need to edit Footer page from Pages > Footer.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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I did access the Bakery on top of page... but doesn’t change logo on the footer.
and hard to remove the MAP since does a bad job under every try.
How to remove app n contact box on footer? :)
To change the logo on the footer go to Pages > Footer and edit the logo as shown in the following image.
To remove the map and contact form simply edit the Home page and delete map and contact form section as shown in the image below.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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next I tried many times... how to make the email go to:
[email protected]
and in Portuguese :)
We have just set up your email in the contact form. To translate and further customize the email you should go to Contato > Formulários de contato > Contact Form #5. See https://d.pr/i/6R3U3a.
Best regards,
Milingona Support
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Need all other buttons to match the “sobre nós” which is 1 long tall box. The other ones create a long spread box.
At the bottom, don’t know how to change photo for the 6 “Fotos de clientes”. The code on the box show numbers.
where to change this? [vu_gallery_widget images=1819,1821,1820,1830,1832,1833" class="m-b-25"]
Thats ok now. Got the photo IDs from their URL
1. Just fixed the menu issue for you. You should have removed vu_mega-menu CSS class from the menu items. See https://d.pr/i/VyH4Xb.
2. You can get the image IDs from Media > Library by hovering over the image (see the video below for complete details).
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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I have a huge question now. The owner called mad saying where are my photos?
Are the old photos from the last site under FTP somewhere?
Or should we just give her the previous site, possible?
Unfortunately, all the content including the images from the previous installation have been deleted and cannot be restored.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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