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  Public Ticket #2237591
Filter "All"


  • Francisco started the conversation

    Hello, i have a question.

    I want to make categories in the Portfolio with Filters without “All” button, only “Bread”, “Cookies”..

    I tried using the following code in Bakery > Custom Code > CSS Code:

    .vu_products-container .vu_products-filters .vu_filter[data-filter=”*“] { display: none; }

    But didn’t work.

    I also want the first filter that I choose to be automatically selected, just like the "all" filter works.

    How can i do it?


  •  228
    Milingona replied

    Hi Francisco,

    Can you please provide us your site URL so we can take a closer look at the issue and better understand that.


    Milingona Support

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