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  Public Ticket #2296922
adding products WooCommerce Ajax


  • tonnie-91 started the conversation

    When on a product category page you can add products using Ajax. When successful added the message: " [product] was successfully added to your cart." 

    I want to translate the last part: "was successfully added to your cart." 

    I checked the code but could not find where it is coming from.

  •  228
    Milingona replied


    You can translate that directly by editing the following files:

    1. wp-content/themes/bakery/includes/wc-addons/actions.php line 111
    2. wp-content/themes/bakery/includes/wc-addons/filters.php line 732

    Or by translating bakery.pot using Poedit. This is the recommended fix and you need to perform the following steps in order to add your translation:

    • Open PoEdit and go to File > New catalog from POT file.
    • Choose bakery.pot and enter your name and details
    • Save your .po file. Name it based on what you are translating to, i.e., an Italian translation is saved as bakery-it_IT.po .
    • Save after translating strings. The .mo file is generated automatically.
    • Finally, upload the translation to wp-content/languages/themes/bakery-it_IT.po

    Best regards,

    Milingona Support

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