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  Public Ticket #2566432
Your demo import isn't working


  • jrob0907 started the conversation

    Your demo imports are tanking my entire wordpress site. What is going on? I have a cloud server with 2 CPU / with tons of bandwith. This should be a easy import of the demo data like I've done with every other site. Yours is the only one giving me trouble. Was this not tested? I can't even navigate to my homepage after I download your demo data it just times out. Fix this, please... I have done all the required things to make sure the demo doesn't timeout during install.

    Thanks you.

  • jrob0907 replied

    Fixed it by refreshing the page right as I start the import... no idea why this worked.

  •  228
    Milingona replied


    Glad you managed to solve that out. Please feel free to contact us again for any other issues.

    Kind regards,

    Milingona Support

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