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  Public Ticket #2594675
Mobile Site Customization (Pt 1)


  • rukshanf started the conversation


    Can you help with the below?

    1. How can I center the Main Logo?

    2. There are three parallax images on the home page with an image layer as the title.  How can I have the entire parallax image showing without causing any issues to the image layer title?

    3. In the Footer, I have a Newsletter Subscribe button.  How do I add a space between the Email box and the Subscribe button?

    4. In the Footer, the Opening Hours are right indented. Can it be set to Left like Contact Us is?

    It is not letting me attach any more files therefore I will submit another ticket for the rest of the questions.


  •  228
    Milingona replied


    Please find below our feedback to your questions:

    1. Fixed!
    2. Unfortunately, that's the best you can achieve.
    3. Fixed!
    4. Fixed!

    Kind regards,

    Milingona Support

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  • rukshanf replied

    Thank you!

  •  228
    Milingona replied


    Milingona Support

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