5. Can the Gallery categories be arranged a bit better than how it is currently showing? :)
6. In the Pricing and Flavors pages I am using a Parallax image with a text title. How can I have the entire parallax image showing without causing any issues to the text layer title?
5. Can the Gallery categories be arranged a bit better than how it is currently showing? :)
6. In the Pricing and Flavors pages I am using a Parallax image with a text title. How can I have the entire parallax image showing without causing any issues to the text layer title?
Regular Site
7. Can more spacing be added between the Main Logo and the Menus without changing the size of the logo?
8. In the Contact Us and Request a Quote pages it says "This page can't load Google Maps correctly." How do I fix it?
Last two questions in the next ticket as I cannot attach more images :)
Please find below our feedback to your questions:
5. Fixed!
6. Unfortunately, that's the best you can achieve.
7. Fixed!
8. You need to generate an API key and insert that at Bakery > Maps > Google Maps API Key.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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Maps are enabled!
Thank you for fixing the rest for me!
Glad to be able to help you.
Best regards,
Milingona Support
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