We see that ApiNotActivatedMapError error is showing up and that is why the map is not being shown. This means that the API is not activated on your API project from the Google Cloud Console. Here's a link that may help you on how you can activate that.
RefererNotAllowedMapError is now showing up on the console which means that your site URL loading the Maps JavaScript API has not been added to the list of allowed referrers. Please check the referrer settings of your API key in the Cloud Console.
I've followed all the instructions regarding RefererNotAllowedMapError, and I start to see different error I guess, kindly find an image of the error attach below.
You're getting the error now because you must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at https://console.cloud.google.com/project/_/billing/enable. Note that you won't be charged until you spend the $200 credit that you get each month.
I've generate the api and inserted in the right place but it keeps giving me an error regarding js, help please.
We see that ApiNotActivatedMapError error is showing up and that is why the map is not being shown. This means that the API is not activated on your API project from the Google Cloud Console. Here's a link that may help you on how you can activate that.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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Please make sure you are the following steps to enable the API:
Please refer to this link for more details.
Hope this will solve the problem of enabling the API.
Milingona Support
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Hi there,
I've enabled the Google Maps JavaScripts, but it still not working I don't know why.
By the way, is it a paid features or its free? because I didn't pay anything yet.
And sorry for the delay reply as I was very busy, I'm still student ) :
RefererNotAllowedMapError is now showing up on the console which means that your site URL loading the Maps JavaScript API has not been added to the list of allowed referrers. Please check the referrer settings of your API key in the Cloud Console.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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I've followed all the instructions regarding RefererNotAllowedMapError, and I start to see different error I guess, kindly find an image of the error attach below.
You're getting the error now because you must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at https://console.cloud.google.com/project/_/billing/enable. Note that you won't be charged until you spend the $200 credit that you get each month.
Best regards,
Milingona Support
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