Hi. I am upgrading a wordpress with version 1.3.6 of your Bakery Theme going to new version 2.6.
The old theme uses the Bakery Custom Post Types plugin version 1.1.8 to activate portfolio, testimonials, personal, etc.
If I activate this plugin, I get the following error with the new theme:
Fatal error: Cannot declare class WPBakeryShortCode_vu_order_form, because the name is already in use in /wp-content/plugins/bakery-cpt/shortcodes/order-form.php on line 176
How can I activate the custom post types in the new theme version?
Thank you for the information. I will apply version 2, working on the web from the beginning.
I have a second problem that WooCommerce tells me: The version 2.6.1 of bakery/woocommerce/content-product_cat.php is deprecated. The kernel version is 4.7.0
Could you please update this template to make it work compatibly.
We will take care of WC warning in the next theme update which is going to be released soon. Until then please simply ignore that. It doesn't play any role in the theme's functionality and appearance.
Hi. I am upgrading a wordpress with version 1.3.6 of your Bakery Theme going to new version 2.6.
The old theme uses the Bakery Custom Post Types plugin version 1.1.8 to activate portfolio, testimonials, personal, etc.
If I activate this plugin, I get the following error with the new theme:
Fatal error: Cannot declare class WPBakeryShortCode_vu_order_form, because the name is already in use in /wp-content/plugins/bakery-cpt/shortcodes/order-form.php on line 176
How can I activate the custom post types in the new theme version?
Thank you very much in advance. Regards.
Thank you for the information. I will apply version 2, working on the web from the beginning.
I have a second problem that WooCommerce tells me: The version 2.6.1 of bakery/woocommerce/content-product_cat.php is deprecated. The kernel version is 4.7.0
Could you please update this template to make it work compatibly.
Thanks in advance. Best regards
We will take care of WC warning in the next theme update which is going to be released soon. Until then please simply ignore that. It doesn't play any role in the theme's functionality and appearance.
Kind regards,
Milingona Support
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