In WP-Admin via Settings > Bakery > Map we have deposited our Google Maps API-Key.
Unfortunately, the display of the map does not work, we get the following error message: Google Maps kann auf dieser Seite nicht richtig geladen werden.
Thanks for providing the credentials. Pleased to inform you that we managed to fix your issue and the map is now showing up properly. Please refer to this link to see what we changed.
Hi Bakery-Support!
In WP-Admin via Settings > Bakery > Map we have deposited our Google Maps API-Key.
Unfortunately, the display of the map does not work, we get the following error message: Google Maps kann auf dieser Seite nicht richtig geladen werden.
Could you help us to solve the problem?
Thank you very much.
Hello Deniz,
Thanks for providing the credentials. Pleased to inform you that we managed to fix your issue and the map is now showing up properly. Please refer to this link to see what we changed.
Best regards,
Milingona Support
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Hello Milingona Support
Perfect! Many thanks for the quick help!
A quick general question:
Is there a possibility that I could customize the mobile version myself?
For example:
- Show photo under the logo
- Logo size
- Arrange the products differently
Thanks for the great support.
Best regards,
Hi Deniz,
Sure, feel free to contact us for any issues. We'll be glad to help you.
Milingona Support
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