Hi there, I can not upload the theme. I receive the notification: No name is set in the metadata of the theme you wanted to upload. Add a valid name to the metadata and try uploading again
Please make sure you are uploading the right bakery.zip file (the theme) which can be found inside the main folder or you can get it from Themeforest by clicking Download Installable WordPress file only. If the problem persists please provide us with your WP login details and we will be happy to help you set up the theme.
Hi there, I can not upload the theme. I receive the notification: No name is set in the metadata of the theme you wanted to upload. Add a valid name to the metadata and try uploading again
Please make sure you are uploading the right bakery.zip file (the theme) which can be found inside the main folder or you can get it from Themeforest by clicking Download Installable WordPress file only. If the problem persists please provide us with your WP login details and we will be happy to help you set up the theme.
Milingona Support
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