Upgraded to WordPress 6.0 and have issues? Please check the hotfix which you need to apply.

  Public Ticket #3433134
Purchase licence


  • Vanja started the conversation

    I have cleaned data base after validating licence, as said in demo manual. But now i cannot reactivate it, so i could use demo site. What should I do

  •  228
    Milingona replied

    Hi Vanja,

    Your license has been reset and you can now activate the theme without any issues.

    Kind regards,

    Milingona Support

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  • Vanja replied

    Hi, where can I find new licence, because, i still get error with old one. Thank you.

  •   Milingona replied privately
  •   Vanja replied privately
  •   Vanja replied privately
  •   Milingona replied privately
  •   Milingona replied privately