1. I can't edit header (the bakery option is not detail). I wanna hide the retangular whote boder of cart icon, search icon và menu icon, change the search icon to white, edit size of logo
2. When i hide the contact form, the map hide too, how can I hide only contact form
3. Pls help me to customize the footer as the header. I can't to anything with footer and change it for desktop và mobile version.
1. I can't edit header (the bakery option is not detail). I wanna hide the retangular whote boder of cart icon, search icon và menu icon, change the search icon to white, edit size of logo
2. When i hide the contact form, the map hide too, how can I hide only contact form
3. Pls help me to customize the footer as the header. I can't to anything with footer and change it for desktop và mobile version.
Please find below the answers to your questions:
1. Please add the following code at Bakery > Custom Code > Custom CSS:
2. We created a map-only section (without a contact form) so you can use it. Of course, delete the section above it which contains the contact form.
3. You can edit the footer from Pages > Footer. See https://chuchoa.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=166&action=edit
Warm regards,
Milingona Support
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It's really nice. Thank you
I need some help when add the
Center Latitude: 15.795113,
Center Longitude: 108.370460
The marker will disapear, how to keep marker in maps on desktop and mobile when fill the center latitude and longitude