1. The line below heading is the defaut, I can't change it to this color I change in bakery option. Further, pls help me how to hide the retangular boder of thumbnail blog.
2. The line below heading, boder of icon and boder of text box still the defaut secondaty colot, even I change the secondary color
3. How can I hide the border of the blog page, I need more space for this page.
2. The elements you're referring to can be controlled via primary color, not secondary color while the 'Hot' badge with tertiary color from Bakery > Styling.
3. Please add the following code at Bakery > Custom CSS:
it works for blog item and blog post, but the singe post page like this: https://chuchoa.com/standard-post-format/ still has border, pls help me to disable the retangular boder
1. The line below heading is the defaut, I can't change it to this color I change in bakery option. Further, pls help me how to hide the retangular boder of thumbnail blog.
2. The line below heading, boder of icon and boder of text box still the defaut secondaty colot, even I change the secondary color
3. How can I hide the border of the blog page, I need more space for this page.
Thank you so much and wait for your response.
Hi again,
1. Please add the following code at Bakery > Custom CSS:
2. The elements you're referring to can be controlled via primary color, not secondary color while the 'Hot' badge with tertiary color from Bakery > Styling.
3. Please add the following code at Bakery > Custom CSS:
All the best,
Milingona Support
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it works for blog item and blog post, but the singe post page like this: https://chuchoa.com/standard-post-format/ still has border, pls help me to disable the retangular boder
In further, the light line (border) under the first banner of any page can be invisible to clean and clear. Pls help me to optimize this visual.